Thursday, 5 January 2012


and, yeah, did have an adventure this morning, when my slipper broke on my way to the bus-stop....guess, the "yankee" footwear ("chappals" do not apply to me!) cannot withstand the "desi" heat! By-standers or "bystanders" here sure are smart alecks - they noticed that I was sliding my feet on the road, and guided me to a cobbler just down the road, who did a pretty impressive job with just a rusted, broken needle, and some black thread (is that the kind of thread that they tie around the waist of babies, huh?) and my fancy slippers look like as if a line of huge black ants formed a "permanent circle" around it..brings to mind.... the lord of the rings.Being delayed by this minor incident, I was forced to take an auto to work....somehow bargained with the auto-wallie for 65 bucks flat (they usually address themselves as auto "mani" or auto "babu"), and he sure did a splending job of dodging potholes, reach my office in just 8 minutes flat!!! I have been told that upto the number "10" the preceding numbers should be written in "numeric form" and not "word form" - as per journalistic "lingo" - not sure if that is the case or not! In any case, please pardon my poor journalistic "lingo"....  
I did not have the proper change to pay the auto-wallie, and so, gave him 105 bucks to get an even 40 bucks back...and lo, the auto-wallie took out a broken comb from his pocket and just 5 bucks (saying he did not have change, and that I should give him 70 bucks!). Wow! these "illiterate" or "barely literate" auto-wallies sure think off the top of their head.....

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